Boxed Pressed Cigars

Chapter 9


After the second quality control a cigar may journey down a number of different roads. The first choice of which is if the cigar is box-pressed or not. Box-pressed cigars are a specialty that we take much pride in. The cigars are laid out on trays and are separated by individual slabs of wood.


After they are laid out and separated, the trays are stacked and then compressed - the pressure from which causes the cigar to press out against the wood slabs surrounding it, forming the cigar into a box shape. Once released from the tray, the cigar is no longer round but instead boxed.

Box Pressed Trivia

Q. Which of the cigars below is Boxed Pressed?

End of Chapter 9 - Continue on to:

  • Chapter 10

    Banding & Boxing

    Banding & Boxing


    Whether box-pressed or left round, our cigars are then branded with our label. Carefully, decisively and proudly we band each of our cigars. The band is not just a label to queue what tastes will be revealed within the cigar, it is a testament to the labor and craftsmanship that went into every individual leaf...

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We put a lot of love into our cigars. When we brand and box them with the Rocky Patel logo, it’s not just for the purpose of sale. It’s an opportunity to pay homage to a living legend. And it’s our chance to say, “goodbye, good luck, and make us proud.”

Rocky Patel Logo