It is an honor to receive Best Honduran Cigar of 2020 from Cigar Journal.
The Number 6 is a medium-bodied cigar made in our very own factory in El Paraiso. Every time we begin the process of crafting a new cigar, we group the cured tobacco into smaller sample groups in an attempt to isolate and partition the finest sample possible. Each group is given a number, and in this case, we were so captivated by its flavor that the name stuck. Thus, with a little help from serendipity, the Number 6 was born. Showcasing a Honduran-grown Corojo wrapper with a core blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan filler, the Number 6 is quite simply put: a masterpiece. Discover them today and see why the Number 6 by Rocky Patel might just be your new number one. Thank you to everyone for supporting us. Because of you, we are able to make the cigars we are making today. Tonight we are lighting up the Number 6 in your honor!